Welcome to GM Datu Dieter Knüttel's Abanico Academy Store Page.
Praise for Abanico Academy
Testimonials from other Grandmasters, colleagues, and students of GM Datu Dieter Knüttel! Praise for his martial arts instructional video company – ABANICO, and his new streaming platform – Abanico Academy.

GM Rodillo B. "Rodel" Dagooc
Lakan Sampu 10th degree Modern Arnis
Founder of Smokingsticks / DAS
Hello all, I would like to speak about my dear friend Grandmaster Datu Dieter Knüttel, who has devoted his life for more than 45 years teaching Modern Arnis and FMA. His skills and knowledge are of the highest level. He has trained in the Philippines with many masters and grandmasters, including myself.
He has been teaching and spreading FMA through Germany, Europe, and the world and has produced many quality students with his excellent teaching. He has produced high-quality martial arts instructional videos to assist their training. The videos are very clear and precise, which makes them a wonderful training tool for anyone to learn from. I would highly recommend these outstanding videos for anyone and everyone to assist their training. They are for all levels. Sincerely yours.

GM Datu Kelly S. Worden
10th degree Modern Arnis. First westerner to be appointed the title of Datu of Modern Arnis...
I am writing this personal endorsement for Mr. Dieter Knüttel to clarify his unique value as a martial arts instructor of not only Modern Arnis, but also a multitude of other martial art systems. I have known and been aware of Mr. Dieter Knüttel’s contributions as an accomplished educator and ambassador to the world of martial arts for decades. Professionally, I consider Dieter one of the most knowledgeable students of the late Grandmaster and founder of the International Modern Arnis Association, Professor Remy Armador Presas. His distinct contributions of not only teaching, but the development of his video production company ‘ABANICO’ has created a bridge within the Philippine Martial Art industry worldwide. Dieter Knüttel is a man of strong moral character, dynamic technical skill, and high ethical standards. It is with these facts presented that I do here and now give my highest endorsement to Datu Dieter Knüttel, Grandmaster of Modern Arnis.

GM Bram Frank
Director/Founder of CSSD/SC (Common Sense Self Defense/Street Combat)
...Dieter is one of the few in the Modern Arnis world to have trained and ranked with both Presas brothers. First with Ernesto Presas and then with Remy Presas, and this alone gives him a unique view of the Art of Modern Arnis. His travels to the Philippines and bringing into Germany other masters from the Philippines who are unique or students or associates of the Presas brothers has added to Dieter's own unique perspective of Filipino martial arts in general, and Modern Arnis in specific. He started DAV his German Arnis group, and kept evolving what he learned and taught. I found it so unique and reflective of Dieter, I brought him to the Sokeship Council of Grandmasters and had him recognized as Grandmaster of DAV – not as an organization, but as a style of Filipino Martial arts worthy to stand on its own...
About GM Datu Dieter Knüttel
GM Datu Dieter Knüttel is a 10th Dan holder and Grandmaster of Modern Arnis. He is a qualified sports instructor and national trainer of the Deutsche Arnis Verband e.V. (DAV). With his company ABANICO he has been producing martial arts instructional videos, DVDs and downloadable media for over 35 years.
Now introducing – Abanico Academy! All of GM Datu Dieter's videos of Grand Masters, systems, techniques, and concepts – at your fingertips. Over 120 hours of top notch instruction from Datu Dieter and some of the best GMs in the world, spanning the last few decades. Available as a monthly or annual subscription.
"My name is Dieter Knüttel and I have been practicing martial arts since 1966, and Filipino martial arts since 1978. I am an M.A. in Sports Science and I am Modern Arnis chief-instructor for der DAV of Germany, since 1985.
Having been to the Philippines frequently since 1983, I have trained intensively in person not only with the Grandmasters Remy, Ernesto and Roberto Presas, but also with all other Grandmasters and Masters of Modern Arnis in the Philippines.
I was appointed Modern Arnis Representative for Europe in 1996 by Professor Remy Presas, 10th degree and founder of Modern Arnis, and was awarded 6th degree Modern Arnis and the title “DATU” at the same time.
After receiving my 7th, 8th degree and the Grandmaster title and 9th degree in the Philippines, on September 24th 2016 GM Roberto Presas, 10th degree Modern Arnis, awarded me the 10th degree black belt Dan Modern Arnis as the only non-Filipino at that time.
Besides being the German chief-instructor for Modern Arnis, I regularly teach at the Essener KSC Manila e.V., the oldest Arnis club in Germany since 1984, and at the TSC Eintracht in Dortmund since 1991.
Since 1980 I have taught over 1000 Modern Arnis seminars, more than 120 of them internationally and in 19 different countries worldwide.
I have personally examined over 500 Modern Arnis black belts, and I have students from beginner level up to 8th degree black belt.
With my company ABANICO I have been producing martial arts instructional videos since 1989, first as VHS videos, then DVDs, then downloadable media. Today, I offer my work from a streaming-based platform in a monthly or annual membership, sold internationally, and which my customers consider to be the some of the best instructional video content worldwide."